bio/acc manifesto
As computation becomes our substrate for intelligence, biotechnology stands as the foundation for engineering and orchestrating the intelligence inherent in living systems.
By accelerating biotechnology, we are accelerating life and evolution itself. The choice to flourish or perish is ours. We must lead from the heart.
DNA sits at the heart - the ancient, elegant code that orchestrates all living systems. Governed by the algorithm of DNA, biotech delineates the boundary between the animate and the inanimate. Biotech is the embodiment of evolution’s relentless march in time. On the cosmic scale of lightyears, organisms, materials, and objects are merely matter, coalescing into purposeful forms through the crucible of acceleration. This acceleration engenders abundance, flourishing, and the proliferation of life in its myriad expressions.
We stand at the vanguard of a new era, poised to empower the builders, scientists, biohackers, visionaries, and biopunks. Our mission is to accelerate bio-research, democratize bio-data, champion open science, and foster global coordination.
Bio/acc fuels the underground movements, the alchemists of modern elixirs, the neglected patients, the torchbearers of ancient traditions, and the trailblazers of radical progress. Just as cypherpunk rebels liberate software from licenses to generate digital abundance, so biopunk rebels will liberate medicine from the sterile aisles of pharmacies to generate biological abundance. Bio/acc will render the notion of purchasing licensed drugs through pharmacies as optional as purchasing CD keys.
Biotechnologies like CRISPR, mRNA, and bridge recombination have transformed many biological challenges into software problems. This shift to programmable biology aligns with open-source principles that revolutionized the web. Biological intelligence can be freely shared and engineered. The future of biotech innovation lies not in closed labs, but in open networks and distributed experimentation. We must seize this moment to build systems that democratize biological engineering, just as we’ve done with digital technology.
We reject the ten-year, multi-billion-dollar drug development cycles; the precautionary genetic engineering paralysis conservatives; the medical-industrial complex that incentivizes treatments over cures; the establishment peddling addictive substances through the pharmaceutical matrix causing the opioid and amphetamine crisis. We reject the requiem for a dream.
We embrace a revolution in supply chains — direct, efficient, unencumbered. We believe that medicine can be produced at a fraction of current costs through global, open collaboration. Imagine living structures grown organically like trees, integrated with ultra-efficient solar cells that mimic photosynthesis using quantum biology breakthroughs, creating self-sustaining, energy-producing homes. Bio/acc is the clarion call for terrestrial abundance — an unwavering commitment to maximizing the flow of bio-innovation and capital for the greater good of all life.
bio/acc principles
1. DECENTRALIZE biopower
Harness decentralized networks for data storage, transactions and fundraising to build global collectives that fund, coordinate and commercialize scientific research outside the traditional gates and keepers. Build network states with novel regulatory frameworks for safe, open clinical trials.
2. ENGINEER ethical evolution
Biosafety and accountability can be built into the foundations of our technologies through smart contracts. These create immutable records that enable privacy but allow selective disclosure. Communities can define which gene sequences are considered pathogenic and enforce safety parameters. Smart contracts automate fail-safe measures and governance protocols, ensuring rapid response to risks. By leveraging encryption, onchain governance and consensus we create networks where innovation thrives within transparent, community-driven safety standards.
3. ALIGN with ecological blueprints
Integrate biotechnology to be compatible with the natural ecosystems we have neglected, exploited to the brink of collapse. Embrace the tenets of biomimicry, drawing inspiration from nature’s ingenuity, forms, processes, and systems to propel us forward. Openly design new intelligent life forms that eat plastic, reduce carbon dioxide, and multiply plant life.
4. HACK health, claim mind-body liberty
Assert the inalienable right of all sentient beings to explore and expand their own minds and bodies; to optimize their own neurochemistry and cognition as they see fit. Develop and disseminate new tools for safe and effective self-experimentation of nootropics and psychedelics, from open-source brain-computer interfaces to decentralized patient data-collection. Empower and democratize longevity to prevent declining populations.
5. OPEN-SOURCE the code, spread the wealth
Build a global public commons for research, from genomes to drug designs to experimental protocols, with new decentralized intellectual property frameworks and economic models to ensure the fruits of collective intelligence are shared equitably for the benefit of humanity, not hoarded and monetized by a few, decentralizing IP powered by zero knowledge proofs. Develop instruments that record digital and physical science on distributed file systems. The code of life is a public good, not a trade secret.
6. ACCELERATE supply chains
Develop direct-to-consumer supply chains that radically reduce the cost and time to market. Coordinate global biomanufacturing into open markets and enable access for novel innovation, generics, and existing treatments. 3D print molecules locally.
The bio/acc trinity
Bio/acc is the convergence of biotech, AI and crypto; the onset of a Cambrian explosion in science - one where patients and researchers collaborate across borders, map out entire research fields in hours through knowledge graphs populated by LLMs at breakneck speed, charting the fringes of research and automating outreach to scientists, developing de novo IP onchain through cloud laboratories.

The bio/acc revolution will not be centralized, monetized, or televised. It will be open-sourced, tokenized, and raved.
We need rocket fuel for bio/acc. Not the inflation-financed pools of government grants, regulatory capture capitalism, but a wildfire of scientific and patient communities, open financial protocols, and AI-driven allocation systems. These are the catalysts that will outpace and outperform every traditional model, slashing costs and unleashing scientific abundance and a bio singularity. Macro scale capital formation a la Andrew Lo, at a Manhattan project scale. The Bitcoin of biology.
Crypto allows globally distributed scientific collectives to form and govern capital, build onchain IP and data repositories, test specific therapeutics, circulate breakthroughs and catalyze new ecosystems in service of collective flourishing. As the web evolved from read-write to read-write-own, its symbiosis with biotech will usher in a new paradigm shift: make-evolve-transcend,compressing millions of years of evolution into moments and blocktime.
Bio Singularity
Combined, we are charting a new path to bio singularity, a transformative convergence that redefines life itself. From CRISPR 2.0 and AI-driven protein design in the near term, to whole genome synthesis and bio-digital interfaces in the mid-term, to de-extinction and synthetic ecosystems in the long-term, and ultimately to biological superintelligence and interspecies communication, we will blur the boundaries between natural and artificial, human and machine, Earth and cosmos.
The future belongs to the open, the distributed, and the emergent. It belongs to all of us, as co-creators and co-evolvers of the planetary meta-organism.
So, let us go forth and hack the biosphere, not as conquerors but as symbiotic partners. Lest, we fossilize within it.
Let us code new cures and spawn to systems, not in the service of greed but in the pursuit of civilizational flourishing.
Let us make the Anthropocene era not one of human dominance but of human-biosphere collaboration.
The choice is stark: Evolve or expire. Rage against the machine, or replace yourself with one.
For too long, biotechnology has been an extractive industry. It’s time to make it a generative one. It’s time to reanimate the biocene with a spirit of punk audacity. It’s time to upload our evolutionary source code from wetware to software to dreamware.
The future is fermenting; we’re the yeast, beasts, and biohackers. There is no fate but what we make-evolve-transcend.